Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Last semester I took a parenting class taught by Brother Williams and love it!  I know that I only learned a small portion, especially considering that I am not even married and therefore do not have any children, but I loved learning about it, nonetheless.  I was exciting for this portion of the class and loved revisiting the topics covered in parenting.

One thing that I liked from the very beginning when I learned about parenting is the suggestion that you should discuss consequences with your children - have them help you come up with ideas.  Also, remember to keep consequences connected and relative to the situation.  I really do believe that this helps children learn, grown and understand life so much better.  I think it helps them understand people and feelings, too. 

Another thing that I really appreciate is the teaching of being respectful to your children.  I know that so many people who are parents can be so disrespectful to their children in so many ways.  From people I've known and things I've learned, things never turn out positively when this is the case.  Children are human beings, and we all were children once - I believe every child deserves to be respected.  I know that at times it could be hard to keep my temper down or to not blow up when something goes wrong from a choice my child makes, but I know in the end that that quick snap to a negative behavior on my part will most likely result in a negative reaction or behavior on their part.  I believe that so much can be changed, in a positive or negative way, based upon your reaction to situations, and as a parent, this can be such an influence for good if intentially done consistantly.

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