Monday, September 12, 2011

an explanation/a summary/an overview - call it whatever you may

Hello dear readers.

May I introduce myself?  The name is C.J.  Not really, but I never had a nick name growing up; nick names never 'stuck' with me, or seemed to work.  Until last year, when I lived in Utah with an awesome roommate who decided to call me by my last name first, comma, my first name {Cooper, comma [she would say the comma] Jenny}.  It was a joke, of sorts...but it stuck.  Nobody else calls me it, and I actually am not sure how I'd feel if they even dared.  So, just for reference on this here blog, you can refer to me as C.J.  Or my real name if you'd like to be fancy schmancy.

Well, so down to the explanation part: This here blog is for a university class, Family Relations.  My professor asked that we start a blog and keep it updated by posting weekly.  I am planning on doing so and hope that even though my mindless thoughts, writings and ramblings will be sometimes quirky, and sometimes serious, that you find at least something entertaining or of value.  Please feel free to share comments, thoughts, ideas, etc.

To learn an overview of what I believe about the family, read on. . .

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