Friday, November 4, 2011

the talk...ya, that one.

This week in class we have been discussing sexual intimacy.  I actually really quite enjoy having these types of discussions here at BYU-Idaho because it is always done witht the Spirit, and therefore with reverency, sacredness and respect. 
One thing that always gets me thinking is when we talk about children learning and understanding sexual intimacy and relations.  Our teacher had us write down what we would like our children to know specifically at certain ages throughout their lifetime regarding this topic.  It was a bit difficult, I have to admit, to think of what exactly I would teach a 4 year old, 7 year old, 10, 13, 16, and 19 year old, but all in all, I think it was a really great idea to have us do this and I actually want to really come up with a more solid idea over the next little while.
My teacher brought up to the class the different issues being raised in other states about informing and teaching children about sex and topics within that - some (er...most  ) that I find to be completely outrageous and unnecessary.  This definitely made me stop and think about homeschooling my own children that I will have one day.  I have thought about this before, but the more and more I learn about what people are trying to pass to be taught in school (hmm, I don't believe 'taught' is the right me teaching implies edifying and uplifting...not degrading and disrespecting not only others, but oneself...), the more I learn towards homeschooling my children for part of their lives.
Why is it that these things are being passed by, let alone being brought up?  I get that the world is slowing degrading and demoralizing itself, but at this rate...
All of this and more truly makes me realize even to a greater extent that the family truly is an important factor in life.  It is a unit that is needed, desired, yet being wasted, if not already forgotten.  I always feel more of an intensifying desire and fire inside me to make sure I'm steadily and surely grounded in a strong foundation when discussing and researching statistics in the world at this time. 

My wrap-up-thoughts:

Just because children can  be taught certain things and  seem  to understand them does not mean that they should be.  This can be directed towards peers, leaders, teachers and parents, alike.

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